You are here: Email Service > Phishing and Spam

The best spam prevention techniques on the market today can have the ability to reduce or eliminate hacked email accounts, which leads to hacked bank accounts, hacked Facebook accounts, etc., which then leads to getting your computer repaired which costs money.
It would be better to not receive email scams in the first place, nor visit infected web pages, right?

The 1USA.Com mail servers
 - block virus infected mail
 - prevent abuse of your mail server by spammers
 - offer advanced features to identify undesirable spam email
 - can be configured to confirm the email senders & only accept mail from someone confirmed to be who they say they are
 - and a unique feature:  The 1USA Mail Servers can visit any Website Link in an email to determine if it is an infected link in the email that is being sent to you.  This is helpful should one of your friends email accounts (on one of those 'free' email services) gets hacked & starts sending out scam emails.

To prevent Phishing, people should use a Mail Server (like 1USA...) that can reject or isolate the obvious fakes, while also asking email senders to confirm their identity the first time an email is sent to you.

When you receive the first email from someone, your ISP's mail server should show you the message's headers:
 - From address
 - MailFrom address
 - Return-Path address
 - Reply-To address
 - Server Name that sent the email to you
 - The IP address of the server
 - The Country that the IP address is located in.

Only 1USA's mail server provides these details - on your Spam Reports.
Change your Email Hosting Provider to 1USA and get protected.


Filter Module Summaries:

SPF and Domain Keys Sender Verification - Did you ever receive an email from a bank - but the email really originated from a foreign country?
Our Mail Servers can verify that the sender domain/ip address is genuine or not.  This step doesn't stop all spam but it can certainly stop a large bulk of spam and phishing by identifying the obvious forgeries.
 - Yahoo emails are not supposed to originate from a server or computer with a different name.
 - Bank emails are not supposed to originate from a server or computer with a different name.

The system verifies that the message's headers match.  If they do not match, the server will either
 - reject the email as fake
 - send back a link to the sender to click on. 

Here is an example of SPF Failures from a Mail Server Log.

If you are interested, click here to see more detail.


Our Sender Verification system is called Friends -

To keep spams & scams out of your mailbox, we have a method of verifying new senders.
Just because someone got their hands on your email address doesn't mean you want to read their emails.
Roughly 80% of emails are unwanted.  Some emails are downright dangerous to open & read.

The Friends System is a challenge response system allowing customers to opt to receive messages only from friends. Non friends are automatically questioned to determine if they are human. All mail from non friends is held pending on the server until the you decide what to do with it.
Status reports are sent to the user on a regular basis to provide information on the Friends system and any mail not yet confirmed by the sender, or pulled into your mailbox.

Our system shows you
- The From-Address used to send the email
- The Reply-To address in the email (if different from the From-Address)
- The Return-Path address in the email (if different from the From-Address)
- Whom the message was sent to. Whether it was sent to you or to a group.
- The name of the Mail Server used to send the email. If you click on the Sending Server, it will link to the Domain Registration for that domain name and display its IP address.
This is handy when verifying if an email that has a "from" address of Chase Bank really originates "from" a Chase Bank mail server. 
If an email's authenticity is questionable or the sender has not yet been confirmed as a "real person", those email senders will receive back a "Did you send me an email?" email... where the person is given the opportunity to click to confirm themselves.
In the meantime, the email is placed into the Spam folder in your Surgeweb Webmail account, then every few days you receive an email from the mail server with a list of those pending emails.

If you receive a report with "0 new suspected spam" - that means there are no new emails to report.

Click on the above example to see it full size.

Each user has a list of friends... which are messages from known friends. Emails from your Friends are whitelisted automatically and delivered directly to your in-box. The list of friends is automatically updated by the server. 

Automatically adjusting spam detection - The filter rules are tuned automatically to match the types of spam and nonspam that are common across multiple email accounts.
Bayesian like content filter - Each day the database is used to re-tune the Bayesian like filter which works by statistically anlyzing the words and order of words. This filter does well with text content spam (phishing, scams etc)
Phrase and Key Word Filter - This filter is regularly updated to target phrases common to spam.  This filter is also good at catching common scams and any common text based spam messages.
Web page probing - This filter carefully examines messages to find URL links which are 'unknown' to it, it then probes the web pages in question to see if they contain commonly spammed products (drugs etc)
Wouldn't it BE NICE to know ahead of time if an email contains a link to an infected website or is a spam that sells drugs?
  If you're a 1USA customer, you are protected.
Feature rule file - This rule file identifies many different features of email (like the word VIAGRA in the subject), these features are then fed into the self tuning feature processing module...
Self tuning feature processing - This module takes all the information from the modules above and combines the results based on analysis of the sample database to figure out the probability of a message being spam based on all the features it exhibits. Each day the rules are recreated based on your local spam samples, and combinational rules are created automatically.

Each Email Account can choose to activate any of these features... or just some of them.

 - Business accounts, like Sales@ or Support@ are normally set loose... but still need to block infected links in emails or scripts in file attachments (that might turn off your Firewall and invite a virus in).

 - On the other end of the scale, Suzie in the Accounting Dept should only receive emails from other company employees and certain other people.  Our servers have the ability to allow each email account to be loose or locked-down.

This is some pretty neat programming, huh.
It's all done with the goal of having NO SPAMS in your Mailbox.