Our Sender Verification system is called Friends -
To keep spams & scams out of your mailbox, we have a method of verifying new senders.
Just because someone got their hands on your email address doesn't mean you want to read their emails.
Roughly 80% of emails are unwanted. Some emails are downright dangerous to open & read.
The Friends System is a challenge response system allowing customers to opt to receive messages only from friends. Non friends are automatically questioned to determine if they are human. All mail from non friends is held pending on the server until the you decide what to do with it.
Status reports are sent to the user on a regular basis to provide information on the Friends system and any mail not yet confirmed by the sender, or pulled into your mailbox.
Our system shows you
- The From-Address used to send the email
- The Reply-To address in the email (if different from the From-Address)
- The Return-Path address in the email (if different from the From-Address)
- Whom the message was sent to. Whether it was sent to you or to a group.
- The name of the Mail Server used to send the email. If you click on the Sending Server, it will link to the Domain Registration for that domain name and display its IP address.
This is handy when verifying if an email that has a "from" address of Chase Bank really originates "from" a Chase Bank mail server.
If an email's authenticity is questionable or the sender has not yet been confirmed as a "real person", those email senders will receive back a "Did you send me an email?" email... where the person is given the opportunity to click to confirm themselves.
In the meantime, the email is placed into the Spam folder in your Surgeweb Webmail account, then every few days you receive an email from the mail server with a list of those pending emails.
If you receive a report with "0 new suspected spam" - that means there are no new emails to report.
Click on the above example to see it full size.
Each user has a list of friends... which are messages from known friends. Emails from your Friends are whitelisted automatically and delivered directly to your in-box. The list of friends is automatically updated by the server.