Many people are looking to reduce their monthly recurring costs. One way to do that is to eliminate your monthly phone bill, and add VOIP Phone Service onto your 1USA Broadband connection. You can also add TV service, but not all football or hockey games are available via VOIP yet.
Here's the deal: $59.95/mo for Internet, Phone and TV Shows
The price will not go up. This is not a carrot come-on. This is the real deal.
#1 - Faster Broadband: Really fast throughput... and No Data Limit like on Cell Phones! We modify your 1USA DSL Broadband service by switching it to a "Dry DSL" type of connection. The slower DSL speeds need to be raised to at least a 3 MB per second connection in order to provide a quality phone service.
See if your phone number qualifies for a 3 MB Connection.
#2 - Telephone service with FREE calls: We provide you with a VOIP Phone Box to plug into the high-powered Router that we provide, then plug the other end into your house phone wiring.
You will get a new phone number, and you also have the opportunity to 'port' your old phone number to the circuit.
This includes totally free calling in the US. No per minute charges!
If you need more than one phone number, or if you need Call-Waiting, VoiceMail or other advanced features, that service is $11 per month - still less than a $50/mo phone bill, huh.
A typical 768k Verizon or Frontier connection won't work. A 1.5 MB per second connection will work, but the phone will sound like it's a long distance connection (lower quality because there's not enough bandwidth supporting it). Really need a 3 MB connection.
#3 - TV: Choose from a Menu of over 700 TV Shows. There are also a few Optional sources available separately, such as Xfinity TV for $7.99 per month.
The benfit of the 1USA Triple+Play is that you can watch TV shows & movies on
- Computers,
- Smartphones,
- Tablets,
- Gaming Consoles,
- Smart TVs
- Blu-ray Players,
- and Set-Top Boxes.
Less Advertising: Instead of 15 minutes of commercials every hour, there's only a 1-minute commercial at the beginning of each data stream. (For you, that's a benefit in itself!) |
#4 Video Calls - Here's a feature that the others don't have. Video calls.
Live Video with up to four people for free, or record your video and send them video emails.
Since the Internet Connection is Unlimited, talk and chat all you want.
The 1USA Triple+Play is your next logical step.
DSL Broadband has been around for years.
Verizon has been using VOIP for phone since 2005.
HDTV is digital TV.
The technology is in place.
If you have DirecTV, keep it. That will work in the mix also.
$59.95/mo for Internet, Phone and TV Shows
The price will not go up.
Cost: $99 one-time setup, then only $59.95/mo
See if your phone number qualifies for a 3 MB Connection.