Job Listings screen provides keyword search by location or title.
The Job Details screen allow candidates to apply for this position without losing the link after they register to apply.
Applying is a simple and complete three-step online application system with a wizard-like process.
Candidates can apply to more than one job.
The online Employment Application form collects applicant information for easy centralized retrieval.
- Contact Information
- Employment History (up to three positions)
- Education
- Military Service
- Certification
- Skills & Accomplishments
- Professional References (up to 3 references)
Candidates can attach resumes and cover letter to their job application.
Candidates can electronically submit their job application.
Hiring Managers can search for candidates, view/print job applications, and download resumes.
HR Admins have easy web administration to configure and control
- Application Processing -status workflow/unlock application for user editing
- Add/Update Contacts -email notification/contact information settings
- Maintain Position Listings -add/update job listings
- Add/Update Divisions
- Assign server security roles to internal permissions
- Lookup Tables -customize field headings
HR Admins can review status of submitted application forms.
- Internal Status
- Set as Hired, Rejected, or etc.
- To allow users to make edits to the application - set as "New Job Application"
- Internal Remarks
- Enter current status notes
HR Admins can post Position Listings.
Settings can be customized to display your company name, logo, and provide long or short versions of the application form.
- Long Form - provides the complete application process
- Short Form - allows applicants to register and upload resumes and cover letters only
Sample of Job Application Printout