At this writing in October 2012, there are thousands of email accounts on AOL,, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo,, etc. that have been hacked.
No big deal? Just think what your friends' opinion of you will be when you have to tell them your account was hacked.
There are different ways to setup our spam-free email service. Yes you can be a Verizon customer, a Comcast customer, an SBC customer, a Wireless customer - and still benefit with an email account
-- See the pages below for details.
So what makes Email Service from better than any other?
- No scams, no spams, no viruses. Our email servers are unique. We have an infrastructure that protects the customers.
- Free email support & phone support. Customers can call our office and get a callback from a certified technician who knows Windows computers inside and out, who speaks English, from Pennslvania not India or Phillippines.
- We evaluate and recommends the best Firewall Routers and the best Anti-virus software to install onto your computers.
The 'free' version of AVG anti-virus software is not on our list.
- We write News and Internet Safety advisories and posts them onto our Members-only website, where you can interact with 1USA's Groups... which is more secure than Facebook.
- Need to recover an email that you accidentally deleted? No problem. There's a running 30-day Backup.
- Need to get a copy of your Address Book? No problem. Just log in to your account's Webmail screen and save a copy of your Address Book to your hard drive.