You are here: Websites > Getting Started

Step #1:  What do you want your website to do?
Some companies just want to pass out free information or accumulate Leads, while others want to sell online (wholesale or retail) - either as a free-standing storefront or selling on some of the Syndicated networks like Amazon.Com, and a long list of others.
1USA can help you with any type.

Step #2.  Who are your competitors?
We help you start research to show up better than your competitors.  We will visit competitors' websites to get details, analyze popular phrases, analyze Keywords.  Compare against the Search Terms that people are using,  and come up with a strategy to "hit the ground running".  The competitors will think you "came out of nowhere".
$65/hr labor - not included in the Setup Fee package deal.

Step #3:  Contact 1USA to Register domain names or map an available URL to the 1USA DNS or a 1USA server.
Sometimes people don't remember their LoginID or password at their Registrar.  You should keep your chosen Registrar, LoginID and Password in a safe place.
If you lose this info, it will take longer to get your website live using that name. 
In the meantime, 1USA can help eliminate lots of back & forth getting nowhere.  If you let us register new domain names on your behalf, while you are on the phone, the domains will be registered in your name, not ours.  You own your domains, not us.
$65/hr labor up to $1500 package deal.


Step #4:  We setup the WebServer software to answer for the www name, ww name, etc. 
Receive paragraphs, photos, movies and other content from the client.  Build the basic structure of our webspace application in its simplest form -- which are "regular web pages".
$65/hr labor up to $1500 package deal.


Step #5:  We go through the pages on the new website and mark Keywords in the paragraphs, and transfer to Page Title, Keywords & Description of that page.
$65/hr labor up to $1500 package deal.


Step #6  We begin recording Page Hits, Demographics, link-building, community-building, etc.
Monitor weekly, bi-weekly or monthly as client's budget permits.
We can help you Sign-up for MINIMAL pay-per-click advertising - just to tell the search engines that it's a serious company. (posted to your charge card by the Pay-Per-Click services)
$65/hr labor for on-going work. 


We normally spend 2 to4 hrs per month analyzing the changes that have occurred, and add/change the website content accordingly in order to out-perform the competition.


FYI, we have Shopping Cart software that can handle commissioned Affiliate Resellers - which is unique.  Details.
FYI, we have an Events Calendar that can send Reminders and can allow people to Register for an event - and it also handles Paypal payments for the events.
FYI, we have Appointment Wizard software that can run a CPA business, an RV Rental Agency or even a Hairdresser salon.

FYI, we have a complete Membership System with additional Security levels, and even automatic renewals.
So the "website" part of what we do is only the fascia... the real "get down to business" occurs on the website's Back Office functions - behind the scene. 
These are called Web.2.0 Applications... however 1USA is at the Web 4.0 level compared to all the other hosting companies.


The MOST SUCCESSFUL companies will be able to finance an Online Presence sufficiently, and will:
 - offer a level of Customer Service and Order Turnaround that their competitors cannot keep up with.
 - have an exclusive on one or more of the products they are selling.
 - have enough margin to be able to pay 10% to 15% to Affiliates like, or multplie Pay-Per-Click advertising providers. (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Facebook, Linked-in,, and a long list of other possibilities.)


Got burned already by "Search Engine Experts" from India, Phillippines or some other country?
Chalk it up to experience and
switch to 1USA.Com

2445 Cleveland Ave, West Lawn PA 19609
Tel: 610-678-2300