Once your main Website and your blog pages & Facebook page begins to develop a following, it is crucial to continually update them with new events and news to continue to build your fan base and keep current fans/customers interested and engaged.
If your Marketing person doesn't have the time or the wherewithall to make weekly updates, ask the 1USA Staff to include this feature.
The most successful business websites (if you measure success by the number of fans and level of interaction) are those that foster and encourage customer comments and reply to those comments sincerely whether they are positive or negative. So, in conclusion, don’t be afraid to create a "sense of community" on your main website, interact with your customers, and most importantly, listen to what they are saying about you, your organization, and your competitors.
Due to the 'public' nature of Facebook, Linked-In, Twitter etc., they can allow you to re-connect with old friends such as schoolmates and former colleagues.
Most large and small businesses have a fan page online, from local painting / roofing companies to very large online retailers -- pushing their name, products and branding through fan pages. The strategy is to establish a base, then let your fans do the work for you.
In this day and age in media, social media plays a huge role. Companies nationwide and world-wide are putting more and more dollars into the web marketing than on traditional advertising.
A Facebook page that links into your main Website and back... can create lots of credibility with your existing customers and with new customers who are thinking about why they should trust your company and if its safe to do an online transaction (if you’re an e-retailer.)
As e-commerce grows, so does online fraud (identity theft online) and users are becoming more wary of this issue. It’s important to make each visitor feel it is safe to purchase from your main website.
Once your main Website and Facebook page have taken off, it can literally be one of your top resources for traffic and sales. The key to your facebook page taking off is LETTING YOUR FANS AND FRIENDS DO THE WORK FOR YOU AND BEING ACTIVE ON A DAILY BASIS promoting sales, specials, news, and whatever you can do to engage the user on a daily basis.
For Search Engine reasons, your Facebook Fan Page can be a big factor in the Search Results for your main website (hosted at 1USA) as you can rank really well for your company name for reputation management reasons.
Facebook, Linked-In, Twitter, etc. are not the cure-all to marketing deficiencies. Google, Bing and other search engines will rank your website higher for certain keywords when you have accumulated 200, 300, or 600 inbound links to your website. It takes time, money and expertise to do this the right way. Facebook, Linked-In, Twitter are only three links... maybe a few more... but are good places to start marketing.